
Holistic Elder Services Aging Life Care Consultants looks forward to the opportunity to assist you and your loved one with long-term care arrangements. This is what some of our clients and our families have told us.

The time will come. Our working years will end and our retirement will begin. We know that it can come unexpectedly. But we were smart about this. We and our parents prepared ourselves for the journey. We charted a course for sailing from here to there. We established plans with legal, medical, organizational, and financial systems that will help us in retirement. Then the day comes. Whether by choice or circumstance it is time to tap in to the assistance that we thought would be easily available to us. And the nightmare begins. We can’t get through to the person who can give us answers. We are told that the system shows that we do not qualify for what we are asking, or that we don’t have the right documentation, or that someone else has to complete some other steps first. We had no clue about what this transition would actually look like. Family arguments erupted. We are drowning in this head-spinning tangle and can see no way to through it. Karen Wolfrom makes it happen. Smart as can be, tough as a bulldog, gentle as a lamb, the wisest of insights, the real life experience of such matters. Karen has what it takes to navigate through this sea of barriers. Her diligence and hard work got us through to the other side of this transition. Even though it did not look like what we thought it would, Karen helped our family to a place that brought us serenity, contentment, and even some unexpected joys. Thank you Karen. You are a Godsend to us.

Rick, Barbara, John, and Nancy Bayless, Diana and Wes Barnes, and the grandchildren

Karen Wolfrom and Holistic Elder Services literally saved my father in law’s life. We live in Texas and my father in law was very insistent on staying in his own home in North Carolina. We asked for Karen’s help to monitor my father in law’s living situation, take him to doctor’s appointments and get him the services he needed in his home. Karen helped my father in law in every way possible. She got him to the hospital in an emergency situation and literally saved his life. Her communication with us was excellent. She got him through more than one hospital stay and found an appropriate rehab facility and ultimately helped us get him into assisted living. In every situation Karen was able to find the appropriate resources for my father in law. She always treated my father in law with great respect and listened to his concerns with great empathy. She made it possible for my father in law to live with dignity during the last phase of his life and gave us peace of mind that he was being well cared for. I give her the highest recommendation.

M. Duffield, Plano, TX

“Without Karen, I don’t know how we could have handled the extremely stressful process of dealing with my mother’s medical and social issues from thousands of miles away. Karen provided invaluable services of shuttling my mother to appointments, gathering medical records, and enrolling her in appropriate programs for the elderly. She is extremely trustworthy and more than worth the fees that she charges. She also provided valuable emotional support to my mother under very trying circumstances. I can’t recommend her highly enough! This is the type of service that I wish all of my patient’s had access to.”

Bonnie Wong, Family Physician

“Can finally take a deep breath and relax, now that my mother is in the right place. I am pleased.”

E.O., Drexel Hill, PA

“Thank you again, for being so kind to our family. Mother is doing very well.”

P.D., Downingtown, PA

“Just can’t begin to thank you enough for all you’ve done for our family during these tough circumstances. We’re all so impressed and grateful for your wisdom and compassion.”

C.C., Charleston, WVA

“Thank you for all you have done to help my grandmother and my family.”

J.S., West Chester, PA